Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

tugar kuliah sibi_complex sentense

Complex Sentence
Disusun guna memenuhi tugas mata kuliah
Dosen Pengampu: Faisal Risdianto,SS.M.Hum


                ­­­­­                                                      Disusun Oleh:
Setia Utami                 NIM:111-11-044
Usriya Hidayati           NIM:111-11-068
Sri Sulastri                   NIM:111-11-012
Ni’mah Khoiriyah       NIM:111-11-046
Anniatus Sa’diyah      NIM:113-11-117

TAHUN 2011/2012

Alhamdulillahi robbil’alamin
         Segala puji bagi AllahTuhan Semesta Alam yang telah memberi karunia berupa buah pikiran. Segala puji allah yang memberi iradah, kehendak, sehingga kami bisa membuat makalah ini.  Yaitu sebagai rasa syukur kami, sebagai hamba-Nya.  Rasanya tak ada sesuatu yang pantas untuk diutarakan pada kesempatan ini, selain rasa syukur ke hadirat-Nya. Banyak sekali ni’mat Allah yang tercurahkan, sehingga terlalu sedikit yang kami sadari dan kami syukuri.Semoga disetiap perjalanan kami selalu dilindungi aleh allah SWT.
         Shalawat dan salam bagi junjungan kita Nabi mulia, Muhammad Rasulullah SAW, keluarga, sahabat, dan seluruh kaum mukminin wal mukminat. Semoga Allah memampukan kita mengikuti sunnah beliau dan melanjutkan perjuangan beliau menyeru ummat untuk menuju kepada Allah dan agama-Nya.
       Hadirnya makalah ini, semoga bermanfaat bagi semua orang yang membacanya dan semoga amal-amal baik kami selalu di catat di sisi Allah SWT.
Walhamdulillai rabbil’alamin.  


complex sentence consist of an independent clause and a dependent clause.
Independent clause, yaitu suatau kalimat yang dapat berdiri sendiri
Dependent clause, yaitu suatu kalimat yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri
- Because I like to study grammar, I love this class.
Explosion 2: Complex sentence; 
     Dependent clause
Because you love me,  I love you
                                                       Independent  clause- I love this class because I like to study grammar.


                   A depentdent clause joined to an independent clause.
          (The dependent clause needs the rest of the sentence for support).
Dependent clause
                   Because you love me.
Fragment is a group of words which does not express a complete thought(Hartoyo,2006:11).
A dependent clause contains a subject and verb. It begins with a subordinating conjunction, and this it does not express a completed thought. A dependent clause is also called a subordinated clause.

Dependent clause, like babies, cannot stand alone.
A Tip on Punctuation(Info Penggunaan Tanda Baca)
Since dependent clauses are only part of a sentence, you can never connect them to another sentence with a semicolon(koma).
Semicolons are only used between two independent clauses.
-I have loved you for years although I never admitted it.

-I have loved you for years, although I never admitted it.
Complex sentences should be punctuated in one of two ways;
INDEPENDENT CLAUSE dependent clause (no comma).
We left class early so that we could attend a special lecture.
DEPENDENT CLAUSE, independent clause (comma).
So that we could attend a special lecture, we left class early.
Comparing compound and complex sentences
Compound sentences differ from complex sentences in one important
Ways:  In a compound sentences, both clauses have equal importance;
In a complex sentences, the independent clauses is more important.
Compare these sentences(bandingkan kalimat berikut)
          COMPOUND: John was tired, but he finished his homework.
          COMPLEX: Although John was is  tired, he finished his homework.
In the first sentence, the writer communicating that both clauses are equally important in the second sentence, the writer is saying that the subordinate clause (John was tired) is less important than the independent clause (be finished his homework).

Subordinating conjunction(Adverb clauses)
§  Time      :after,before,since,until,while,                                    when,whenever,as soon as
§  Reason   : as,because
§  Contrast : although,eventhough,though
§  Purpose : in order that,so that

  1. If Barack Obama is the nominee for the Democratic Party, he’ll run against John McCain, but it won’t be an easy contest to win.
  •   independent clause   : he’ll run against John McCain
  • Independent clause    : it won’t be an easy contest to win.
  • Dependent claus         : if Barack Obama is the nominee for the Democratic Party
  1. Eventhough he prefers to eat with a fork, he chooses to use chopsticks iin Chinese restaurants; however, they aren’t easy to use.
  • Independent clause    : he chooses to use chopsticks in Chinese restaurants
  • Independent clause    : they aren’t easy to use
  • Dependent clause       : Eventhough he prefers to eat with a fork
  1. When he was invented to give a lecture,he was told that all reasonatle axpenses would be refunded

·         Dependent clause       : when he was invented to give a lecture

  • Independent clause    : he was told that all reasonatle expenses would be refunded